Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 15- Another Golden Day

Hey Everyone,

It has been a very busy day with many exciting and interesting events.
Starting with a beautiful day of skiing with friends, followed by a great dinner with Tom, Lori, Jim and Rita our friend from the Netherlands. Next we headed to the Medals Plaza to watch the ceremony. Canada won THREE Gold and ONE Silver today!! After the ceremony we stayed to watch Serena Ryder perform, it was a great concert. Then we went and had a little fun at Austria House.

I've got so much to tell you, but I think I will let the pictures do most of the explaining.

Heather's friend Christian came skiing today. They worked together when Heather lived at Panorama.
After lunch we skied with Megan Meisner and her family. They are friends from Ontario.

While skiing we caught a glimpse of some of the racing. It was great to watch the race from different places on the course, rather then just at the bottom.

Our friend Rita gave Lori and Heather each a very nice gift. These shirts are part of the uniform those representing the Netherlands wear.

The medal ceremony was spectacular!
Lauren Woolstencroft won her third Gold Medal of the Paralympics today by winning the Women's Downhill, Standing Class.
Viviane Forest also won her third medal of the games. She won Gold today in the Women's Downhill, visually impaired class. She now has a Gold, Silver and Bronze to her name.
Brian McKeever won his second Gold of the games in Cross Country and Colette Bourgonje also won her second medal of the games, in cross country.

Tom, Lori and I at the Serena Ryder concert.
Jim and I upon exiting Austria House.

Our second last day of work begins tomorrow. It's hard to believe our time here is coming to an end soon.
Pip and Heather

1 comment:

  1. Hey Pip
    Just got back from Costa Rica with Pat. It was so great to catch up on all your activites and all the medals. We were 9 degrees off of the equator, which is very hot for a little penguin. Kayaking and zip lining were my favourites. Pat is lovin the dutch stuff. Have fun. Prina
